Expand Students’ Horizons
with ELOP Funded Programs
The California Department of Education has developed the Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELOP) to provide funding for after school and summer school enrichment programs. ELOP funding is available for school districts and charter schools in California that offer Kindergarten through 6th Grade. If your school site qualifies for appointed funds, these dollars can be used toward outdoor education offerings for your elementary and middle school grade students! Below you can learn more about how Positive Adventures can help your school and your students can benefit from the California state funded ELOP program.
Day Camps
Get your students outside exploring local resources.
Activities for Students include:
Kayaking, Ropes Courses, Surfing, Hiking, Environmental Science, On-Campus Programming, & More!
School Break
Overnight Retreats
Providing students with an opportunity to be away from home and experience the beauty of nature with their classmates can be life-changing. Whether your student body is primarily new to having outdoor experiences, or is already full of seasoned campers, we will guide them on the trip of a lifetime.